16 March 2009

Exercising your personal Demons

Hey all,  its been a while since I had the time to do some blogging. Been busy working, playing, and creating.

Since its been a while I wanted to share a bunch of different stuff. But in the end the top proirity was to share with you an exercise in personal growth that I've been conducting over the last week.

As some of you know I'm engaged in a theraputic process which includes twice yearly therapy intensives. I attended one on the 6-8th of March. This was like many of the intensives a great opportunity to heal mental wounds of the past. In this case however, I also found that I was able to heal a spiritual wound of the past.

We went through a guided meditation whereby we learned about one of our personal demons. 

In my case I focused on my personal demon of destraction. You see in my life I use distraction as a coping mechanism.  In learning about this demon it became clear that while my demon wasn't necessarily creating problems in my life that the outside world could see it was causing problems for me in accomplishing my goals. 

What I learned was that my presonal demon of distraction really needed was a sense of security and safety. For me I never felt safe and secure as a child and therefore developed these methods of coping based on that childhood situations.

Over the last week instead of allowing myself these indulgent distractions I've meditated instead. The result has been good. I'm building a wealth of spiritual resources and understanding. 

Its amazing how much better I feel after a 12 min meditation instead of 1+ hr(s) distraction.

Thank you universe for the wealth and prosperty of spirit, mind, and body that you bring me.


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